
Kunming, China

The INTEGER Kunming Project became the first eco-town in southern China, and the first INTEGER project in mainland China. The emphasis is on sustainable lifestyles, environmental protection and open-platform intelligent technology, setting new standards for housing quality and the use of modern building technologies. The INTEGER Kunming Project occupies a naturally vegetated site adjacent to the current International Horticultural Expo, on the north-eastern fringes of Kunming City. 

The Project comprises four Intelligent and Green houses and a 2,000 sqm Visitor Centre on a five hectare site, showcasing a vision for the adjacent 255 hectare development of some 2,000 houses. One of the key ambitions of the INTEGER Kunming Project is to establish a platform for active research and the evaluation of new technologies in both real-life utilization and real-time visitor responses. The Project will also play an important role in the education of the general public, school children, home buyers and real estate developers in raising awareness of environmental issues, providing a platform for the promotion of intelligent and green innovation and serving as an education and resource centre.