INTEGER Hong Kong Pavilion


Hong Kong

The INTEGER Hong Kong Pavilion Programme was launched in May 2000 by the British and Hong Kong Governments, with the aim of demonstrating how the INTEGER principles of intelligent and green building could be beneficially applied to housing in Hong Kong and the region of South East Asia. 

The Pavilion was opened in 2002 as a result of collaboration between six major corporate founders and over 160 commercial partners. The pavilion attracted widespread professional and public interest and served as research and learning centre for secondary and tertiary education in the territory. It is a unique public-private partnership involving a wide range of British and Hong Kong Government departments, and six commercial and public sector founding partners. The Pavilion attracted more than 100,000 visitors in Hong Kong after which it was dismantled and relocated to Beijing. It led to the development and delivery of a major INTEGER education programme reaching more than 30,000 primary and secondary school students and teachers. 

INTEGER challenges conventional building practices by combining innovative design and construction processes with ‘intelligent’ and ‘green’ technologies to create mainstream housing which is of higher quality, more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.